Saturday, 1 November 2014

Thank you for your warm welcome

The North London Muslim Community Centre in Hackney organised a great event and many people came. There were very many interesting contributions and our visitors spoke and answered questions. 

A big thank you to the people who came and to the groups represented for a memorable and warm welcome.
 It was a great afternoon. 

 It was also so nice of people to give so many lovely presents, which everyone appreciated, and the pictures at the bottom here are of the card signed by children at the Olive School.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Great memories of the Northampton evening

Just one thing: there should be a picture of Anas, who was so brave at talking in English on his first night in England, and did so welll...

Pendle Mayor meets Beit Leed Mayor (and the rest of the visitors)

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Pendle for Palestine 13th October 2014

 That was a great evening in Brierfield, and thank you to everyone who came and contributed, including the singers as well as the Palestinian visitors.

It was a dramatic evening too because that was the evening of the vote in Parliament on the question of a state in Palestine. The vote passed dramatically and the Pendle MP mentioned the visit in his speech. (Hope to find this and add it here)

Osayd and Mohammed on the train back to London

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Thank you for a lovely final meal :)

 (but where are the girls in the picture, you should be there...)

Looking back at the visit

This was hard to read...

Something surprising...
The beauty of places in Britain

Something funny...
We joked together and swapped stories with friends

Something sad ...
Anything bad that happened to the group (?)

Something I liked...
The river, the animals (?)

Something I didn't like...
Anything that happened in the group that wasn't good

Something I want to remember...
All the friends that I met there

Two Adams

with a football shirt from Northampton

** There is also a photo of two Osayds, taken in Manchester... does anyone have a copy? **