Friday, 17 October 2014

Speaking out

Speaking out about life as a young person in Palestine was a very important part of the visit and there were school, youth club and public events all the way through.

(Anas was really brave and often spoke in English - others spoke in Arabic with a translator, which was also good)

Preparing to speak out started before the visit and went on during it.

Each one of the young people came with a collection of pictures ready to make an individual presentation about their lives. In Abu Dis, the CADFA co-ordinator and EVS volunteers provided help before the visit. The Beit Leed leader helped his young people with presentations too.  

During the London part of the visit, we did more work on this together, specially to be ready for the school visits. We used the CADFA handbook and thought  what the audience needed to know -specially in schools where young 

people might not know anything at all about what was coming and how to put different people's contributions together. As well as what people wanted to say, of course...

The group decided on a joint presentation based on what they had brought with them. And the results were great -  From the Northampton talk on the first night till Pendle on the last night,   they did really well, talking to hundreds of people (including the different events) in the course of a week or so and handing questions very well.

 Really well done everyone and thank you for your efforts.

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