Just one thing: there should be a picture of Anas, who was so brave at talking in English on his first night in England, and did so welll...
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Pendle for Palestine 13th October 2014
It was a dramatic evening too because that was the evening of the vote in Parliament on the question of a state in Palestine. The vote passed dramatically and the Pendle MP mentioned the visit in his speech. (Hope to find this and add it here)
Sunday, 26 October 2014
Looking back at the visit

Something surprising...
The beauty of places in Britain
Something funny...
We joked together and swapped stories with friends
Something sad ...
Anything bad that happened to the group (?)
Something I liked...
The river, the animals (?)
Something I didn't like...
Anything that happened in the group that wasn't good
Something I want to remember...
All the friends that I met there
Two Adams
with a football shirt from Northampton
** There is also a photo of two Osayds, taken in Manchester... does anyone have a copy? **
** There is also a photo of two Osayds, taken in Manchester... does anyone have a copy? **
Friday, 24 October 2014
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
From some of the young people in London
What was surprising?
The Palestinians said they had bad English but actually they had quite good English.
What was funny?
Ice-skating, The Palestinians hadn't done ice-skating before, but they just did it, they weren't afraid.
What was sad
That the Palestinians were not ab le to have the same opportunities we take for granted
Tell us about the visit?
It was interesting taking part in this visit. We joined different parts of it - visits to the zoo, ice-skating, football, a meal etc....
I enjoyed it because it was a new experience, I didn't even know where Palestine was geographically, I wasn't really aware of what was going on ...
What were the best things?
Being a part of the group
Seeing them enjoying themselves - Making friendships
What were the worst things?
Hearing their stories
Also telling mine, I don't think I really have a story, I felt very sheltered (does that makes sense?), a bit away from the rest of the world
The language barrier
Was it as you expected?
I knew people who'd been part of these visits before - so yes in a way, but it was also different because I'd never met anyone from Palestine of my own age.
What did you learn?
How far they had to travel -
They were a bit overwhelmed with girls, I don't think they're used to girls. -
I was surprised by how much they smoked. We have laws about how you can't smoke indoors and in public places but the first day, the leader sat down in a restaurant and lit a cigarette, he didn't realise, the manager came and had a go
Are you pleased with what you did?
Yes, I'm glad I was part of it.
Adam had a really big story to tell, I'm glad I was part of getting it across to other people
Do you want to do anything else in connection with CADFA?
Yes. Go to Palestine
Be more involved next time
The Palestinians said they had bad English but actually they had quite good English.
What was funny?
Ice-skating, The Palestinians hadn't done ice-skating before, but they just did it, they weren't afraid.
What was sad
That the Palestinians were not ab le to have the same opportunities we take for granted
Tell us about the visit?
It was interesting taking part in this visit. We joined different parts of it - visits to the zoo, ice-skating, football, a meal etc....
I enjoyed it because it was a new experience, I didn't even know where Palestine was geographically, I wasn't really aware of what was going on ...
What were the best things?
Being a part of the group
Seeing them enjoying themselves - Making friendships
What were the worst things?
Hearing their stories
Also telling mine, I don't think I really have a story, I felt very sheltered (does that makes sense?), a bit away from the rest of the world
The language barrier
Was it as you expected?
I knew people who'd been part of these visits before - so yes in a way, but it was also different because I'd never met anyone from Palestine of my own age.
What did you learn?
How far they had to travel -
They were a bit overwhelmed with girls, I don't think they're used to girls. -
I was surprised by how much they smoked. We have laws about how you can't smoke indoors and in public places but the first day, the leader sat down in a restaurant and lit a cigarette, he didn't realise, the manager came and had a go
Are you pleased with what you did?
Yes, I'm glad I was part of it.
Adam had a really big story to tell, I'm glad I was part of getting it across to other people
Do you want to do anything else in connection with CADFA?
Yes. Go to Palestine
Be more involved next time
'Oh my god' - A child's writing about the war on Gaza
This was sent to us from one of the young people from Gaza who was meant to be with us on a CADFA visit last year.( see the picture on the side of the blog). We said that if any of the children had pictures or comments they wanted to send us, we would share them.
Their leader sent it to us saying 'Oh my god' and our translator said, 'Prepare yourself, this is very strong and upsetting.' Sorry but this is part of the story of childhood in Palestine now. A translation is below.
The days of the war
I didn't expect it would be long and hard to this level, specially for people who are my age.
It was a very hard and savage one in a way that I can't describe in words.
The damage included the strongest buildings and the trees, so how about people. I did not expect to see children of my age or even younger to be killed in this very savage way, or to be homeless or to be sent to schools to hide, when even the schools were not safe and were not away from the power of the Occupation.
They targeted kids. I think this only happens to Palestinian kids. I can see others who live a glorious time as kids and they can dream without the fear of an enemy which can kill their childhood. While for us, the kids of Palestine, we live our childhood in fear, when we play, they might hit us with missiles. They might mean it or it might happen by accident, but the result is the same - it can cut apart our little bodies.
For myself, I was terrified of losing part of my body during this war, because I saw many kids who lost their hands or their little legs or even lost their sight, they can't see. And this is a strong proof of how hard our enemy can be at the same time that they declare they are working hard not to harm kids and civilians.
When the F16 fighters used to pass above us, nobody could bear even the sound, because they flew very low and made anybody terrified, even the adults, just from the sound. Their missiles started to target everything that moved on the ground. Even if it was a child or a bird, they did not differentiate.
The war started to be harder and the fighter planes started to target houses and even tower blocks, and trees, and even the earth, which increased my fear, because I did not expect that this would continue to take over our summer holiday.
For myself, I had my own plans and thought it would be a very interesting summer, but when the war started, all my dreams and plans went away: the war took them.
The area of the war started to increase. The enemy started to target everywhere. One of the biggest massacres took place in Shujaiya , which managed to create a complete atmosphere of terror among kids - and one of them was me. Because when you see children, old people, dead bodies all around the streets.They did not miss anything, they were targeting everywhere. They destroyed all areas, specially in the north, where I live, and the bombing started to go from one neighbourhood to another, from one house to another, until they reached my own neighbourhood.
They destroyed many of the houses around us, but we still decided to stay in our house.
One of the hardest minutes we lived through was when they targeted our neighbour's house with an F16 and rockets. We were all sitting round listening to the radio because there was no electricity. I went to my room which was the only safe room in my house, because I could clearly hear the bombing around us. And while my brother was talking to our neighbour through the window, an F16 came and hit another house and I heard the strongest explosion I had heard in the whole of the war.
Falling parts of their house began to hit our house like rain. I did not manage to move from my place. I started to look around but I did not manage to see any of my family because they were in the living room while I was alone in my room. And suddenly our house was full of dust, we did not manage to see through the house, it was a cloud of darkness.
My father started to shout our names and he managed to gather us in the room that I was staying in, and he asked us all to hold hands together. He shut the room door and the window to stop more dust from coming inside and I started to recite the Holy Quran because I was terrified.
I could hear my mother choking because she had problems with breathing. One of my brothers managed to bring some water to put on her face, which helped her to breathe. After a while my brother started to call the neighbours from the window and thank god none of them was hurt.
After a while I managed to go out into the street. It was full of big stones and small ones covering the whole street. Because of the powder from the exploding rockets, everything became black. I saw the main door of our neighbour's house had flown and landed next to the cars.
My brother and sisters wanted to go and see the neighbour's house but I refused because I was afraid and I am still afraid of what happened. My mother went in and told me that the glass of the windows was broken and even the aluminium frames had fallen out. The house was full of dust and sand, and even the walls of the house were cracked. Thank god that there was no one still in that house as they left when the bombing started to reach our neighbourhood.
But of course the massacres did not stop there, because another house in our neighbourhood was bombed and the owners were inside the house. The house belonged to some of the Tonbur family. The father was working for the Council. When he got back from work, the house was targeted. He and his daughter were killed, while his wife and another daughter survived. And this is also a crisis, when someon in a family survives and others in the same family survive. And this is what I was frightened of too, I was scared of losing one of my family members.
When the Israeli army started to enter the area, we saw their tanks and bulldozers knocking down the trees and messing with the agricultural land. I didn't manage to sleep at night because of the sound of the bombing. I could hear the shells whistling as they left the tanks until they reached their destination and exploded. I could hear it all the way.
When they started to come closer to our area, my father decided to take us to a school which he thought would be safer. But they did not leave anywhere secure or safe because they started to target the schools, and many people were killed inside the schools, so we did not leave our house because we believed our house was safer for us than going to a school.
Their tanks targeted the open land behind our house on two occasions. One of these times, I was in the kitchen which is very close to the land. When the bomb touched the ground, I felt everything around me was flying. My face hit the frame of the window and I started to cry. I was crying for two hours because I was terrified. I spent a week not going to the kitchen because I thought it could happen again any time.
After two days, they targeted a house in our area. There was just one person inside that house. His body was all burned up but he survived. His neighbour lost his hand and his left leg. Both of them were taken to the hospital in an ambulance.
The war continued, and bombing close and far away. Nightmares did not leave us. I was looking forward to the end of this war before Eid came. But unfortunately, they had a ceasefire but they resumed bombing, and even negotiations did not manage to stop anything. Killing continued and massacres continued even on the Eid days. More children were killed when they were hiding or playing around.
It happened in front of everyone around the world - they could see so much killing and they did not care. This included our brothers in the Muslim and Arab countries. Before this war, I used to sing a song that said that all the Arab countries were my homeland and all the Arabs were my brothers, but I regret it, I won't sing it again, because I am singing this about people who don't know the meaning of brotherhood.
The war continued and the Israelis started to use gas against us - they were playing a psychological game. My father tried to use nylon and blankets to stop the smell of the gas, after bombs had destroyed the glass of the windows.
We spent all this war in fear until it ended. When it stopped, we felt it was a bit of a rest, but we were all worried about it coming back again and many more people being killed again.
Many people managed to return to their houses and this is life in Gaza. We live with death surrounding us everywhere.
Nidaa Ghibin.
Their leader sent it to us saying 'Oh my god' and our translator said, 'Prepare yourself, this is very strong and upsetting.' Sorry but this is part of the story of childhood in Palestine now. A translation is below.
أيام الحرب لم أتوقع أن تكون هذه الحرب قاسية وطويلة إلى هذا الحد على من هم بعمري فقد كانت حربا همجية وشرسة بكل ما للكلمة من معنى حيث أنها لم ترحم الحجر والشجر فكيف لها أن ترحم البشر فأنا لم أتخيل أن أرى أطفال بعمري واصغر يقتلون بوحشية وعنفوان أو يتشردون إلى مدارس التي لم تكن حتى أمنة من جبروت الاحتلال فكانت من ضمن استهداف العدو وهذا واقع أطفال فلسطين دون غيرهم , عندما انظر للأطفال الآخرين أجدهم يعيشون أجمل طفولة ويحلمون بأجمل الأحلام دون خوفا من عدو قد يقتل طفولته , بينما نحن أطفال فلسطين نعيش طفولتنا بكل خوف من إن نقتل عندما نلعب أو أن تأتي شظية مقصودة أو غير مقصودة لتقطع أجسامنا الصغيرة إلي نصفين وهكذا كبرنا على مخاوفنا التي تقطعنا من الداخل وكانت من أكثر مخاوفي أن افقد احد أعضاء جسمي في هذه الحرب لأني كنت أشاهد أطفال كثر يفقدون أما بصرهم أو يدهم الصغيرة أو قدمهم وهذا اكبر دليل على قسوة هذا العدو الذي يدعي انه برئ حيث أن طائرات اف 16 التي عندما تمر من فوقك لا تسطيع ان تحجب صوتها عنك لأنها كانت تطير بشكل منخفض جدا لتجعل من لا يخاف أن يموت رعبا منها وطائرات الاستطلاع التي تستهدف كل ما تراه يتحرك أمامها سواء طفل أو طير لا فرق عندهم وها قد بدأت شراسة الحرب لتلتهم كل ما حولها ولتبدأ الطائرات بقصف البيوت الآمنة والأبراج السكنية حتى الشجر والتراب لم يسلم من الهمجية وهذا ما زاد مخاوفي من هذه الحرب التي لم تكن متوقعة أبدا فكنت اخطط لقضاء العطلة الصيفية بشكل ممتع دون تصوري أن مخططاتي ستذهب في هذه الحرب دون رجوع ,بدأت الحرب تزداد وبدا العدو بقتل الأطفال واحد بعد الأخر دون أي رحمة ويرتكب المجازر وكانت أكبرها مجزرة الشجاعية التي نشرت الرعب بين الأطفال ومن بينهم أنا لأنه عندما ترى الأطفال والنساء والشيوخ أجسادهم مترامية وسط الشارع هذا هو الظلم الذي نتعرض له نراه أمام أعيوننا مع بشاعة المنظر ولم يكن الاحتلال يترك منطقة ألا وقد دمرها بالكامل وفي منطقة الشمال حيث اسكن هناك تعرضت الشمال لضربات قاسية واحد تلو الأخر وفي الحي الذي اسكن تم تدمير عدد كبير من البيوت وبقينا في البيت رغم كل القصف
وكان من أصعب الضربات عندما ضربوا بيت جارنا بصاروخي أف 16 حيث كنا نجلس نستمع
إلى الأخبار عبر المذياع بسب انقطاع الكهرباء وعندها ذهبت أنا إلى الغرفة الوحيدة الآمنة
في البيت لأجلس فيها بسبب اشتداد الضرب وبينما أخي يتحدث إلى جارنا من النافذ لان طائرة
الاستطلاع تقصف كل ما تراه يتحرك قامت طائرة الاف 16 بضرب البيت فسمعنا اكبر انفجار
حدث منذ حرب الفرقان وبدأت الشظايا والحجارة تتساقط مثل المطر وأنا ما زلت في مكاني
لا استطيع أن أحرك سوى رأسي لأبحث على أحدا حولي ولكن لم أجد احد لان كل عائلتي كانت
تجلس في الصالة بينما أنا وحدي في الغرفة وفجأة امتلئ البت بالغبار ولم نرى بعضنا بعض
لشدة الغبار الذي دخل البيت علينا كأنه غيمة سوداء تلف من حولها فاخذ أبي بالمناداة
وتجميعنا في الغرفة التي كنت اجلس بها ويمسك أيدي إخوتي ببعض حتى جمعنا في الغرفة نفسها
وأغلق الغرفة حتى لا يدخل مزيدا من الغبار وبدأت أنا بالتشهد من كثر الخوف وشعرت أمي
بالاختناق بسبب الحساسية التي في صدرها فأسرعنا وأحضرنا لها قماشه بها ماء لتخفيف عنها
واخذ أخي ينادي على جارنا المقابل ليطمئن عليه والحمد لله لم يتضرر احد منا وحتى اختف
الغبار بقينا في نفس الغرفة ثم آت طاقم الإسعاف ليطمئن فخرجنا إلى خارج البيت قليلا
حتى يذهب الغبار كليا من البيت وعندما نظر خارج البيت وجدت حجارة كبيرة وصغير تغطي
كل مكان والبارود كل جعل كل شي لونه اسود ووجدنا باب جارنا قد طار واستقر بجانب السيارة
ثم ذهب إخوتي لرأيت البيت ولكن رفضت أنا أن اذهب معهم لأني شعرت بالخوف وما زلت مرعبة
مما حدث فذهبت مع أمي إلى داخل البيت فوجدنا زجاج البيت قد تحطم حتى إطارات النوافذ
تحطمت والغبار والرمال تملى البيت وجدران البيت تشققت . وبحمد الله لم يكن احد في هذا
البيت لان أهل البيت خرجوا عندما اشتد الضرب كباقي الناس ولكن لم يتوقف الاحتلال عند
هذا الحد بل قاموا بقصف بيت في نفس المنطقة على رؤوس ساكنيه وهم عائلة طمبورة حيث كان
والدهم يعمل في البلدية وعندما عاد إلى البيت وعندما دخل بالتحديد قاموا باستهداف البيت
فذهب ضحية الاستهداف الأب وابنته بينما نجدت الأم وابنتها الأخرى وهذه اكبر مصيبة أن
يبقي البعض ليتحسر على من استشهدوا من العائلة وهذا أكثر ما كنت أتخيله في هذه الحرب
أن افقد أحدا من عائلتي وعندما دخل الاحتلال بريا كنا نشاهد الدبابات التي قامت بتجريف
عدد كبير من الأرضي وكنت لا أنام الليل لان صوت المدفعية كان عالي حتى أني كنت اسمع
صفير القذيفة عندما تضرب حتى تصل لمكان الاستهداف فتسمع الصوت الأكبر وعندما اشتد القصف
وبدأت الدبابات تتوغل أكثر أردنا الخروج من البيت إلى مدارس الإيواء لانا كنا نتوقع
أن تكون أكثر أمانا ولكن الاحتلال لم يترك لنا مكان امن أبدا حيث انه استهدف مدارس
الإيواء واستشهد عددا كبيرا من الناس وهذا الذي جعلنا نبقي في البيت طيلة أيام الحرب
لأننا متأكدين انه لا يوجد مكان امن إلا البيت على الرغم أن الاحتلال استهدف أرضنا
الخلفية للبيت وهذا ترك اثر كبيرا على حيث قام الاحتلال بقصفها مرتين وفي أول مرة كنت
موجودة في المطبخ حيث انه قريب من الأرض الخلفية
وعندما تم الاستهداف شعرت بان كل ما حولي يطير حيث طار في وجهي إطار النافذة وهذا من
أصعب المواقف حيث جعلني ابكي لساعتين من الخوف وبقيت أسبوعا لا ادخل المطبخ من خوفي
أن يتكرر هذا الموقف وبعدها بيومين استهدفوا في منطقتنا بيت كان لا يوجد ب هالا شخص
واحد احترق جسده بالكامل ولكن بفضل الله لم
يمت ومن الاستهداف أيضا قطعة يد جاره وقدمه اليسار وحول للخارج لمعالجته واكتملت الحرب
على مثل هذه المواقف من قصف قريب وبعيد وكوابيس لا تفارق كبير أو صغير حتى كنت أتمنى
أن تنتهي الحرب قبل مجيء العيد لعله يكون سعيد ويخفف بعض الجراح ولكن للأسف لم ينفع
هدنة أو مفاوضات لوقف هذا العدوان واستمر القتل والمجازر حتى في أيام العيد لم يرحم
الاحتلال طفل وارتكب اكبر مجزرة عندما استهدف أطفال يلهون ويلعبون وهذا دليل على أن
الاحتلال يقتل الطفولة في حياتنا ويزيد من جرائمه والعالم لا يرى ولا يسمع ألا لأطفال أصابهم بعض الهلع وبينما نحن نموت وتتقطع أجسادنا
وهم لا يهتمون هكذا هم أخواننا المسلمون هذه بلاد العرب التي يسمونهم أخواننا أين هم
الإخوة كنت انشد بلاد العرب أوطاني وكل العرب إخواني ولكن أنا ندمت لأني نشدت هذا النشيد في صغري لشعوب
لا تعرف معنى الإخوة ولكن لا ينفع العتاب لان الحرب استمر وبدا الاحتلال بلعبته النفسية
فبدا يضرب الغازات علينا مما اضطر أبي لوضع النايلون والبطانيات لنخفف من الرائحة بسبب
تكسر النوافذ وقضينا هذه الحرب الشرسة في حاله من الخوف حتى انتهت الحرب فشعرت ببعض
من الراحة الممزوجة بالقلق من أن تعود هذه الحرب لتأخذ معها مزيدا من الأرواح ولكن
بفضل الله رجع الناس إلى بيوتهم وهكذا هي الحياة في غزة نحيا رغم موتنا
(نداء غبن)
I didn't expect it would be long and hard to this level, specially for people who are my age.
It was a very hard and savage one in a way that I can't describe in words.
The damage included the strongest buildings and the trees, so how about people. I did not expect to see children of my age or even younger to be killed in this very savage way, or to be homeless or to be sent to schools to hide, when even the schools were not safe and were not away from the power of the Occupation.
They targeted kids. I think this only happens to Palestinian kids. I can see others who live a glorious time as kids and they can dream without the fear of an enemy which can kill their childhood. While for us, the kids of Palestine, we live our childhood in fear, when we play, they might hit us with missiles. They might mean it or it might happen by accident, but the result is the same - it can cut apart our little bodies.
For myself, I was terrified of losing part of my body during this war, because I saw many kids who lost their hands or their little legs or even lost their sight, they can't see. And this is a strong proof of how hard our enemy can be at the same time that they declare they are working hard not to harm kids and civilians.
When the F16 fighters used to pass above us, nobody could bear even the sound, because they flew very low and made anybody terrified, even the adults, just from the sound. Their missiles started to target everything that moved on the ground. Even if it was a child or a bird, they did not differentiate.
The war started to be harder and the fighter planes started to target houses and even tower blocks, and trees, and even the earth, which increased my fear, because I did not expect that this would continue to take over our summer holiday.
For myself, I had my own plans and thought it would be a very interesting summer, but when the war started, all my dreams and plans went away: the war took them.
The area of the war started to increase. The enemy started to target everywhere. One of the biggest massacres took place in Shujaiya , which managed to create a complete atmosphere of terror among kids - and one of them was me. Because when you see children, old people, dead bodies all around the streets.They did not miss anything, they were targeting everywhere. They destroyed all areas, specially in the north, where I live, and the bombing started to go from one neighbourhood to another, from one house to another, until they reached my own neighbourhood.
They destroyed many of the houses around us, but we still decided to stay in our house.
One of the hardest minutes we lived through was when they targeted our neighbour's house with an F16 and rockets. We were all sitting round listening to the radio because there was no electricity. I went to my room which was the only safe room in my house, because I could clearly hear the bombing around us. And while my brother was talking to our neighbour through the window, an F16 came and hit another house and I heard the strongest explosion I had heard in the whole of the war.
Falling parts of their house began to hit our house like rain. I did not manage to move from my place. I started to look around but I did not manage to see any of my family because they were in the living room while I was alone in my room. And suddenly our house was full of dust, we did not manage to see through the house, it was a cloud of darkness.
My father started to shout our names and he managed to gather us in the room that I was staying in, and he asked us all to hold hands together. He shut the room door and the window to stop more dust from coming inside and I started to recite the Holy Quran because I was terrified.
I could hear my mother choking because she had problems with breathing. One of my brothers managed to bring some water to put on her face, which helped her to breathe. After a while my brother started to call the neighbours from the window and thank god none of them was hurt.
After a while I managed to go out into the street. It was full of big stones and small ones covering the whole street. Because of the powder from the exploding rockets, everything became black. I saw the main door of our neighbour's house had flown and landed next to the cars.
My brother and sisters wanted to go and see the neighbour's house but I refused because I was afraid and I am still afraid of what happened. My mother went in and told me that the glass of the windows was broken and even the aluminium frames had fallen out. The house was full of dust and sand, and even the walls of the house were cracked. Thank god that there was no one still in that house as they left when the bombing started to reach our neighbourhood.
But of course the massacres did not stop there, because another house in our neighbourhood was bombed and the owners were inside the house. The house belonged to some of the Tonbur family. The father was working for the Council. When he got back from work, the house was targeted. He and his daughter were killed, while his wife and another daughter survived. And this is also a crisis, when someon in a family survives and others in the same family survive. And this is what I was frightened of too, I was scared of losing one of my family members.
When the Israeli army started to enter the area, we saw their tanks and bulldozers knocking down the trees and messing with the agricultural land. I didn't manage to sleep at night because of the sound of the bombing. I could hear the shells whistling as they left the tanks until they reached their destination and exploded. I could hear it all the way.
When they started to come closer to our area, my father decided to take us to a school which he thought would be safer. But they did not leave anywhere secure or safe because they started to target the schools, and many people were killed inside the schools, so we did not leave our house because we believed our house was safer for us than going to a school.
Their tanks targeted the open land behind our house on two occasions. One of these times, I was in the kitchen which is very close to the land. When the bomb touched the ground, I felt everything around me was flying. My face hit the frame of the window and I started to cry. I was crying for two hours because I was terrified. I spent a week not going to the kitchen because I thought it could happen again any time.
After two days, they targeted a house in our area. There was just one person inside that house. His body was all burned up but he survived. His neighbour lost his hand and his left leg. Both of them were taken to the hospital in an ambulance.
The war continued, and bombing close and far away. Nightmares did not leave us. I was looking forward to the end of this war before Eid came. But unfortunately, they had a ceasefire but they resumed bombing, and even negotiations did not manage to stop anything. Killing continued and massacres continued even on the Eid days. More children were killed when they were hiding or playing around.
It happened in front of everyone around the world - they could see so much killing and they did not care. This included our brothers in the Muslim and Arab countries. Before this war, I used to sing a song that said that all the Arab countries were my homeland and all the Arabs were my brothers, but I regret it, I won't sing it again, because I am singing this about people who don't know the meaning of brotherhood.
The war continued and the Israelis started to use gas against us - they were playing a psychological game. My father tried to use nylon and blankets to stop the smell of the gas, after bombs had destroyed the glass of the windows.
We spent all this war in fear until it ended. When it stopped, we felt it was a bit of a rest, but we were all worried about it coming back again and many more people being killed again.
Many people managed to return to their houses and this is life in Gaza. We live with death surrounding us everywhere.
Nidaa Ghibin.
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